最后更新于2024年2月2日(星期五)16:10:12 GMT

As we continue to 成长 our customer base here at Rapid7, 我们也在扩大我们的办事处——这次是在捷克共和国的一个新地点. With a successful history of building 创新 hubs from Boston to Belfast, our teams can’t wait to bring new talent from Prague into the business.

皮特·卢比奥于2020年12月加入Rapid7,担任平台高级副总裁 & 工程. In this role he leads our data 和 engineering teams as they work to develop, 优化, 和 deliver security products 和 solutions to more than 11,全球有5000家客户.

在这里, he talks about what he’s excited to see in Prague, 在Rapid7工作的独特之处, 和 how he has experienced 成长th 和 development in his role as a leader.

What can you share about our new office location in Prague?

作为一家网络安全公司, 需要不断发展和带来新的东西, innovative ideas to the table is paramount to our success 客户的成功. When it comes to expanding our global presence with a new location in Prague, 我们很高兴能够扩大我们的人才库,并为业务带来新的观点和想法. Creating an 创新 hub like this isn’t new to us; we’ve seen success in our Belfast office when it comes to creating a global hub for 创新. I see Prague as a location that will follow that model 和 have that same impact.


At Rapid7, it’s our culture that sets us apart from other global companies. 我们有非常有趣的问题需要解决,有突破性的创新需要实现, 但我们做事的方式和我们在这里创造的文化使我们非常不同. We believe in working together to challenge convention 和 deliver excellence. We value perspectives 和 ideas from all areas of the business, 在为我们的客户提供服务时,没有自我或个人议程.

我们也非常重视给员工提供发展自己的机会, 尝试新事物, 和 really 成长 their careers in a way that compliments our business strategy. Rapid7 has created an environment where you can 成长 your career, 提高你的领导能力, clearly measure your impact on the business -- 和 have a lot of fun along the way.

People all over the world spend a lot of time at work, 如果你不喜欢你的同事或者你一天中三分之一的时间都在其中度过的环境——这将是一场斗争. 我发现的一件事是,我们的文化让我们能够克服挑战,变得更加强大.

So what exactly are we building, 和 what can future employees expect?

Rapid7有几个网站代表了公司的各个部门,几乎涵盖了所有领域. 布拉格将是其中之一. We’ll have engineering, product, a SOC location, finance, sales, support, 和 more. This is more than an engineering location or satellite office. 这里的员工将负责整个业务的关键路径计划. 这对我们的员工来说是令人兴奋的,因为它创造了很多合作的机会,同时也发展了你的职业和技能. If you want to lean into different areas of the business, 待在一个可以向他人学习和参与轮岗项目的地方对你的成功很重要.

正如我之前提到的,专业成长是我们文化和价值观的重要组成部分. 我们总是对那些有新想法和建议的人持开放态度,这些想法和建议与我们的战略相一致,或者有助于我们朝着积极的方向发展. 通过给员工机会进行讨论并为职业发展设定自己的目标,同时让经理对这些对话负责,我们成为了一个学习的地方, 创新, 和 成长th are taking place all around us every day. 当我们的员工蒸蒸日上,做着真正有影响力的工作,提高他们的技能, 作为一家企业,我们能够取得成功,并为客户提供更好的产品和服务.

Why should someone consider working in Cybersecurity?

There isn’t a more dynamic sector than Cybersecurity. Not a single day has been boring for me since I’ve been in the industry. I also think the ability to make a positive impact on the world is rewarding. 我们致力于保护公司免受坏人的侵害. 我们拥有知名的品牌, 当我们知道我们所创造的技术正在积极地使世界变得更安全并阻止坏人时,就会有一定程度的工作满足感. 防守者和攻击者之间的角色总是一场猫捉老鼠的游戏. 为了保证客户的安全,我们需要不断地提前三步思考.


当你看到安全形势时, our portfolio is probably one of the richest in the industry. So when we approach a customer to underst和 their security needs, we have almost everything they could possibly need in our offering. Additionally, the experience across our products 和 services are second to none. 当我与我们的客户交谈时,我告诉他们,我们正在寻求成为领先的平台整合者.

当客户和我们做生意的时候, 我们将努力使他们的安全项目在与我们合作的每一分钱中发挥更大的作用. There are a lot of other companies that have a one-point solution, 和 that limits your ability to expand 和 成长 with your customer. 从员工的角度来看,这也限制了他们成长和从事新事物的能力. We have multiple products for our employees to work on 和 explore, 和 that means you don't need to leave the company to 成长.

你可以通过更换产品团队或推出新产品来做一些创新的事情. 我们有很多不同的方法可以提高客户的效率以及我们项目的效力, 同时为我们的员工提供真正有趣的职业道路和机会.

What have you found to be most rewarding in your role at Rapid7?

The most rewarding part of my job has been the opportunities I’ve had to lead; these opportunities go beyond what I was initially hired to do. 看到我在短短三年里所能产生的影响的广度和深度,真是太棒了. 有一些公司范围内的挑战,我已经能够支持,而不是一直在我的领域, but I’ve been given the trust 和 opportunity to come in 和 help. 这样的学习真的让我的职业生涯得到了发展——我的领导能力得到了提升, 组建团队, 并为客户提供有利的结果.

My story of 成长th is not unique within the company. As our business becomes more successful, we see opportunities for 每一个人 也会变得更成功. 我们的人才战略团队有意将员工视为个体,并认识到成长和成功并不总是一个线性的过程. We’re giving employees the opportunity to have ownership of their career trajectory. 作为领导者, 我们的工作是支持他们的目标, 提供反馈, 和 align that evolution 和 成长th to business objectives.

How does Rapid7 maintain a consistent culture across global offices?

Every site has their own microculture that is a core part of our macro culture. 每个办公室都有独特的风格,与我们众所周知的文化和员工体验相辅相成. Every time I arrive at a Rapid7 office, it FEELS like a Rapid7 office. This goes beyond the spaces 和 the way things look. 而是和我交往的人, 共同目标的意识, 还有一种被欢迎和包容的感觉.

When I walk into the Belfast office, I feel like I’m in the Austin office. 当我在波士顿办公室的时候,我的感觉和我在坦帕办公室的感觉一样. 让每个网站的文化保持一致是一件非常困难的事情,但我们在这里做到了.

当我思考是什么让这一切成为可能时,我觉得归根结底是我们对人的看法. We don't have a Human 资源 team, we have a People Strategy team. 这是一个简单的转变,但却是深思熟虑的. We don’t look at 人 as resources, we look at them as . 作为一家企业,我们生产的知识产权和提供的价值都是由人创造的. 他们是我们最宝贵的财富, 以及我们支持的方式, 成长, 和 engage them has a direct impact on our success as a business.

What would you say to someone in Prague looking for a new opportunity?

如果你正在寻找一个有意重视你的地方,给你提供难以置信的机会,让你把工作做到最好, I can't think of a better environment than Rapid7. We’re committed to Prague as our next center for 创新, 我们期待着欢迎一些最有才华和合作精神的专业人士加入我们,共同建设一个安全的数字未来.

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